The CF diet recommends a moderate intake of fatty foods. Why?
Because we are promoting weight loss here people, and fat is high in
calories. BUT we do need to eat some fats in order for our body to work
efficiently. Nerves, brain cells, skin, tissue, hormones, the transport
of vitamins and minerals all need fat to function.
Healthy fats are unsaturated fats, which come from plant foods like nuts/seeds/avocado and from oily fish.
Try to stay away from saturated and trans fats which promote heart disease.
Unfortunately we live in world where portion sizes are majorly
distorted. Your average bumpkin in the state of Texas might think
nothing of consuming a meal 3 times the size of a Rhinoceros’ arse. I’ve
been to International House of Pancakes – I’ve seen the menu.
You would be surprised at how little you need to eat in order to
survive. The men and women you see on the cover of ‘Muscle Magazine’
aren’t ripped because they eat 25 steaks a day – they are most probably
injecting steroids.
We actually only need 1g of protein per kg of
body weight per day to sustain lean muscle. Which isn’t a right lot. So
don’t be sucked in to the marketing trap of high protein food claims.
Same goes for micronutrient. Don’t go spending your wage pack at Boots
on supplements, antioxidants, vitamins – you will get enough by eating a
clean diet with a wide variety of fruit and veg.
No we are not
suggesting you eat portions that would starve your average pet hamster.
You must be sensible with your choice of food if you want to 1. Lose
fat and 2. Sustain lean muscle.
“But isn’t it all about calories in and calories out?”
By all means, create a deficit in calories and you will lose weight.
But eat non-nutritional foods and your body will look fucking shit.
Greasy hair, flaky skin, poor muscle definition, osteoporosis, tooth
decay, bad breath… the list is endless…
It is SO essential that
you eat a balanced, nutritious diet. Would you rather eat 5 cheese
burgers a day within your daily calorie allowance, or would you like to
live to see your grandchildren and feel physically fit to handle them!?

“Just a quick question in regards to some wraps I found & was wondering if they were CF friendly.”
I got this question via email from one of last month’s most well-behaved, dedicated
Mini Challengers – you know who you are ;) Top marks for swotting up
before the big March Challenge kick-off.
What makes a clean, balanced meal?
In order for your muscles to work/contract you need to provide them
with energy. Your cells need glucose to produce energy (ATP). Complex
carbohydrates are an essential part of your daily diet to sustain your energy needs.
The best supply of glucose when following a balanced diet for weight
loss – we aren’t talking about Olympic athletes or body builders here -
comes from whole grains. These contain nutrients and fibre which slow
digestion, and release energy (sugar) into your blood stream at a steady
rate, preventing a spike in blood sugar levels.
When your
blood sugar levels spike from eating sugary foods (white
carbs/sweets/sugary drinks) your body releases the hormone insulin. This
sends the excessive amount of sugar into storage in your fat cells,
leaving you with depleted energy levels and major munchies!
adding whole grain carbs to breakfast or lunch – you are eating
something substantial to give you enough energy until your next meal.
Don’t get caught up in the ‘protein’ obsession. Yes we need protein to
sustain lean muscle, but in adequate amounts. Good protein sources are
lean meat – chicken/turkey breast / fish, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Grains like amaranth and quinoa are also a good source of lean protein
AND provide you with slow release energy. Bonus.
When selecting whole grain bread or wraps as a carbohydrate option with a main meal – remember portion control.
This protein bread recommends 100g as a serving. 50g would suffice.
Laughably, it markets ‘slim in sleep’ – suggesting that this additional
protein will help you to lose weight at night time? Yes, protein has a
high thermic effect (uses energy to break it down) and increases
satiety, but look at the fat and calorie content.
You require
approximately 1g of protein per kg of body weight. A serving of this
bread provides half of the recommended daily protein intake for a woman
weighing 60kg. Adding this to a meal already containing lean protein
means you will be eating as much as your full day’s protein allowance –
in just one sitting.
If you overdo your protein intake not only
do you put major strain on your kidneys, but the excess calories will
be stored in fat cells.
It’s all about finding a balance.
Eat natural, clean foods and avoid anything processed.
Obviously we can’t expect you to harvest your own grain and bake your own bread. Although this would be pretty damn good!
Portion control is key. This bread is ‘enriched’. Enhanced/enriched
foods have been played about with – stick to food with a very small list
of ingredients. If this is as long as your arm then run a mile!
does rate itself for its high fibre content – you need approx 30g of
fibre per day for a healthy digestive system. But this is outweighed by
other factors. It is enhanced with protein from soy and seeds, resulting
in a high fat content. Not smart when trying to lose weight.
To simplify this so you don’t try to end your life rocking back and forth in the ‘health foods’ aisle of Carrefour….
Balanced Diet:
For slow-release energy: whole grain carbohydrates
For muscle/tissue repair and maintenance: lean protein
For a healthy digestive system: fibrous vegetables
For essential vitamins and minerals: fresh fruit
All of the above contain micronutrients essential for a healthy body inside and out.
Make sure you check out the CF Shopping list and of course, The Holy Grail.
Happy Eating ;) x

As the next Challenge approaches, there are lots of ways to help protect your body from possible injury.
If you want to reach the finish line of the next challenge feeling fit and healthy, you need to train smart and eat right.
Suddenly embarking on a high intensity-training programme can leave
your body in a lot of shock! It will be under pressure it has never felt
before. As well as stretching and correct form, which our lovely trainers will drill into you, diet comes into play…in a big way.
This is why calorie counting does my head in. We are not just
recommending clean, balanced meals because of low calorie content – Sod
off Weight Watchers.
Vegetables, lean protein, fruit, whole
grains and pulses contain various vitamins and minerals essential for
achieving optimum health.
You will be training hard therefore you
must replenish your body with the correct nutrients so it can grow
strong, healthy and super sexy ;0)
Cartilage is a connective
tissue that is found in many parts of the body, most importantly between
bones. It absorbs force and distributes it equally, protecting joints
under load and during movement. Without this, the very concept of
high-knee-running would be a mere fantasy.
When cartilage is
damaged or worn away, the affected joint becomes painful, stiff, and
limited in its range of motion – kiss the splits goodbye.
Vitamin C
plays a vital roll in the formation of collagen, which forms the basis
of connective tissue. You can find this saucy Vitamin in the following
CF diet friendly foods;
Grapefruit, lemons, oranges, kiwis,
strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, pineapple,
papaya, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts.
Omega 3 rich foods have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation can
cause major pain – ever had sore knees after squatting?? You can find
this gem in walnuts, pumpkin seeds, oily fish like salmon and herring.
Vitamin E is your knight in shining armour when it comes to combating
exercise-induced stress on your body’s cells. Shield yourself by eating
almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, whole grain breads and cereals.
Zinc is needed for the body's defensive (immune) system to properly
work. A lack of zinc can slow collagen formation in connective tissue.
Zinc yourself up (yes I just said that) with oysters, pumpkin seeds,
crabmeat, sunflower seeds, whole meal flour and bread, turkey.
Copper is also needed for the maintenance of connective tissue. It works
alongside zinc to stimulate the immune system to fight infections, to
repair injured tissues, and to promote healing. You can find this in
oysters, lobster (here’s your excuse for fine dining ladies! –
unfortunately it is not found in Champagne), sunflower seeds, hazelnuts,
crab, chickpeas, lentils, whole meal bread and whole grain cereals.
BUT there are foods that diminish these effects – food high in
saturated fat like red meat and dairy. So steer clear of these or you
risk more than a severe bollocking in your Food Diary Feedback…so there!
The important thing is to create the right balance, as getting too much
of one nutrient and not enough of another can have a counter productive
There are supplements you can take to help avoid injury to
joints, and combat long term degenerative diseases that can put an end
to your training days – Say sayonara to osteoarthritis.
WARNING: don’t get carried away and buy into the marketing too much –
sports supplements are a lucrative and misleading industry.
We recommend:
Glucosamine – Highly productive in the formation and repair of
cartilage. This supplement can relieve pain and inflammation associated
with osteoarthritis. It helps to increase mobility and reduces the joint
space narrowing (bone-on-bone…ouch!).
Sulphate - One of the building blocks of cartilage. This promotes the
water retention of cartilage, keeping it spongey, as well as elasticity,
thus helping to reduce joint pain and increase mobility (hello again
drunken cartwheels at Sandance).
You can buy these at any reputable pharmacy (Life Pharmacy / Boots).
A clean balanced diet = Healthy bones and joints = happy squatting at CF :)
Bring on the March Challenge x

At CF we are not big on Calorie counting. Why?
As well as being socially ridiculous, cracking out your calculator at
Nandos is no healthy way to monitor the nutrients you are putting into
your body.
This article sheds light on portions in relation to calorie content, which will help you to make the right choices size-wise.
Remember, you cannot compare the cals from a chocolate bar to those
offered in a balanced meal of veggies, whole grains and lean protein.
Yes it may taste ‘nice’ but is this your body reacting to a refined
sugar fix or is it really satisfied??
Your body is no fool. Eating
non-nutritional foods (junk!) is no way to obtain a healthy, hot body.
Besides, a 6 pack will be of little use if you have clogged arteries!
Fad diets and ‘diet pills’ do not work. Drastic measures like skipping
meals can lead to ‘starvation mode’. Your body clings on to fat reserves
and burns lean muscle in an attempt to ‘survive’. This does no justice
for body composition. Your metabolic rate increases depending on the
amount of muscle you sustain. Who wants to be ‘skinny fat??’.
Depriving yourself of essential nutrients has a negative impact on your body’s ability to burn fat effectively.
When you eat sugary foods or foods lacking in nutrients like fibre,
which slow down digestion rate, the hormone insulin is released. This
puts any fat-burning on hold, and enables the extra sugars in your blood
to be stored in cells. Too much sugar will be stored in FAT cells.
This sudden drop in blood sugar levels results in energy depletion and
you are left feeling tired and hungry again. If you eat 1 biscuit, you
are likely to polish off the rest of the packet too.
clean, healthy foods that release energy at a slow rate keep you feeling
satisfied and energised, as well as providing you with essential
vitamins and minerals for optimum health.
I hope I explained that well. Nutrition is a complex diva.
Bring on the March Challenge Food Diaries. x
At CF we live and breathe the concept of 'clean eating'.
This does not entail polishing your snickers, dousing hot dogs in bleach or ordering a Big Mac with a Diet Coke.
I've lost count of how many times I had to argue the poor nutritional value of brand cereals (Rob Newbould).
It is amazing what big name brands can get away with when trying to
trick the consumer into buying their product on the pretence of 'healthy
Next time you amble around Spinney's open your eyes to the conspiracy of 'clever marketing'. I absolutely love this blog... x
I really, really (don't) hate to burst your
bubble here people. In preparation for the next Challenge... and sea of
food diaries...those of you taking sanctuary in your convenient lunch of
6 inch turkey salad on wheat bread - please read this article and think
again before you join the queue at Subway.
...And see why I am
not just being a pedantic, ruthless bitch when you get pulled up in big
red writing for your 'Eat Fresh' fast food options.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/hea lth/article-1365424/Subway-vs-McDonalds-The-artery-clogging-truth-favourite-fast-food-chains.html
As CF regulars like masterchef Peppy Dosanjh can tell you, eating clean
is all about home cooked meals with (genuinely) fresh ingredients. We
have got so many helpful downloads on our website, so use and abuse
these to plan, prepare and perfectly execute your Challenge Diet...bring
If you have any questions please feel free to email me: hanna@circuitfactory.ae

So at the local gym – in Bradford – they are
selling these ‘Sculptress Diet Bars’ – pink wrapper, branded with the
word sculptress like ‘princess’ and ‘diet’ – aimed at women obviously.
Clever marketing.
With 215 calories per bar, most of which are from sugars – can this really be considered as a healthy snack option?
I query how our prehistoric ancestors got by without one.
Take a look at the ingredients:
Milk proteins (whey protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, calcium
caseinate, emulsifier: soya lecithin), glucose syrup, milk chocolate
(14%) (sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier:
soya lecithin, flavouring), humectant (glycerol), honeycomb pieces (8%)
(sugar, glucose syrup, vegetable fat, water, raising agent: sodium
bicarbonate; emulsifier: soya lecithin), concentrated mixed fruit juice,
rice starch, sunflower oil, mineral blend (potassium phosphate, sodium
chloride, magnesium phosphate, ferric pyrophosphate, zinc oxide, cupric
gluconate, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, chromium (III) chloride
hexahydrate, sodium selenite, sodium molybdate), L-carnitine
L-tartrate, milk mineral complex, vitamin blend (dextrose monohydrate,
vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, biotin, vitamin A, pantothenic acid,
vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12,
vitamin K), flavouring, caramelised sugar syrup, green tea extract,
antioxidant (mixed tocopherols), sweetener (sucralose).
...Good luck to your body attempting to process all that shite.
Eating foods high in chemicals and other nasty additives makes a lot of
extra work for your liver as these need to be broken down and
eliminated from your body.
215 calories = 1 medium chicken breast and 1 cup of chopped garden vegetables.
This provides you with essential vitamins and minerals without the strain on your liver.

Eating a clean diet is not something unobtainable, that only super slim, vegan, macrobiotic diet-followers can do.
I actually spoke to someone today (whilst she tucked into a plate of
fish and chips) who said 'I have never eaten a salad before'....she then
went on to admit she had eaten lettuce, carrot, cucumber, tomato...but
never in the same sitting.
Healthy food isn't just lettuce leaves and chopped celery. You can make a pretty hot and sexy salad adding lean protein, roasted veg, beans, wholegrains...
...If the thought of depriving yourself of doughnuts is terrifying then is this really a healthy relationship with food?
Sugar is a drug. You need to break the habit to lose the addiction.
Sally Reid is one of CF's yummiest mummies. The hardest part of joining CF for Sal was the diet....
"To be honest the first few days were hard to lose the craving for
sweet things and a quick sugar rush. It made me realise I was eating for
the wrong reasons before – tired, bored, stressed etc. Women especially
are very emotional eaters. Once I weaned myself off the junk, I rarely
crave it any more. You quickly adjust which pleasantly surprised me!"
Ditch the sugar - find your figure....simple ;) x